Over the years we have been truly blessed having caring and dedicated staff, making sure the Old Rectory, Cottage and one acre Garden are sources of inspiration, relaxation and comfort. Our guests have often expressed genuine thanks for their stays. Some have even returned 18 times or more. That always makes our work more than worth while.
Our Managers Poppy and Dan:
For the last 30 years, we have normally had married couples as local managers. We are grateful to all of them.
Our current managers, Poppy and Dan, who live less than a mile away in Newport, have been looking after every onsite detail for more than five years now. Our Google based systems ensure that they never miss a single change over. Parents of two growing boys, Poppy handles the hospitality and Dan holds down the maintenance and property expansion work. Our new ensuite bathrooms on the middle and top floors are testimonies to his excellent skills. (Please see “Rectory Bathrooms” in our Media section.)

Poppy Harrington our Local Manager:
(Dan’s partner) is your main point of contact, from arrival to departure. Poppy’s wide knowledge and passion for this area is from growing up here. She lived in Australia and travelled around the world, but decided that Newport is best. Her expertise is organization and has a keen ability to manage the cleaning team, making sure hundreds of details are looked after well; from hygiene, supplies, bed linens, etc. She ensures that the 4 star grading remains the continuing standard. Visit Wales grades every detail as to the properties and service and throughout the years, we have always improved. Poppy takes pride in making sure your experience is relaxing and smooth during your stay.

Dan Innes our Local Manager:
(Poppy’s husband) besides being Local Manager and has extensive building experience, and has very high standards. He is currently finishing a large Garden Studio that will be ideal for interest groups and/or a games room. Dan has been overall in charge of all building and grounds maintenance for 5 years, and makes sure all aspects of the building keep up to the 4 star requirements for our Visit Wales Grading. (He is only a call away for any help needed.)

Our Gardener and Handyman Richard:
Richard has done tree surgery, stonework, and major landscaping work here. Rich put up the 16 hanging baskets this year with an irrigation system, and has been helping Dan with all aspects of our building and maintenance. (He is also Dan’s brother, so you could say it’s all in the family!)
Our Marketing Man:
Alistair has a Bsc Degree in Business and Marketing. He supports all sides of the business and researches information for the website and social media. He extensive knowledge and passion for North Pembrokeshire has brought him here to work with us. It is a pleasure to grow our marketing efforts with Alistair’s talent and experience on board!

Our Onsite Landscaping and Maintenance Man:
Andrew brings a broad experience of landscape and handyman work. He is helping Dan to build our new large garden studio and extend the areas of shrubs and flower beds. (He also has great Beat Boxing talents!)
Our Horticulturalist:
Tarne helps to keep our whole garden looking ever more glorious. With over 1000 new bulbs and plants going in this year, the splendour of colour in all seasons is ensured. She also sources a wonderful array of shrubs and plants, carefully chosen for colour, texture, and suitable for all of the angles of view, as you walk through the gardens. Hanging baskets and flower pots, the herb garden, the flower beds and green hours are under her supervision.
The Man behind the Woman:
Our other technical/marketing team member is none other than Deanna’s partner of ten years, Paul. Paul (along with Deanna) does the day to day correspondence, booking and contract agreements with guests. He also is our main Website designer, and has been for the past few years.

The Woman behind everything!
Deanna Kasta (an Architect interested in restoring historic buildings), is the heart and soul of the Rectory and Cottage. She is the “brains” behind the operation, directing most facets it progress. She purchased, and has continually operated the Old Rectory as a holiday destination since 1985. She is still loving this work and obviously is very good at it. All of the rest of us can attest to that!
We hope you will see and feel her special touches when you come!